Saturday, April 6, 2013

Lady bugs

If you asked me when I was little what my favorite animal was I would say lady bugs. Now I know that technically ladybugs are not animals but I loved to think they were when I was young. I don’t know why I had such a fascination with them when I was young. Maybe it was there color, a blend of red and orange which is my favorite color. i had lady bug dresses and jewelry, my mom would even paint my nails to look like a lady bug just to please me.
            I would play with the lady bugs weather I found them inside or outside. I would lert them crawl up and down my arms. I would pet them as if they were a dog. I would rub my fingers along there stiff, crunchy back.

            I named every single one I ever came in context with. I bet there were about 200 lady bugs with the name Dorothy because their backs reminded me of Dorothy’s red ruby shoes.

            The wings also fascinated me. It seemed like they had three layers of wings. In the deep, deep inside was a very thin, fragile wing that was practically see through with a thicker wing layering that one and on the very top, of course was the thickest wing that covered the surface of the whole lady bugs body. I loved watching the ladybugs fly because the layers of tiny wings resembled a fan because with the speed of the wings flapping the movement made a full unfolded paper fan shape.

            I remember throughout my childhood my grandma would just hate the ladybugs that invaded her house. She would become so weary that the lady bugs were running her carpet and furniture as they crawled everywhere, toppling over each other to form small piles of lady bugs. Right as she was about to vacuum them up I would scream “wait!” “I got them under control grandma!” And I would take each ladybug outside one by one. Sometimes it would take me close to an hour because there were so many lady bugs that really loved the comfort of her house. Once I got all of the lady bugs gone a few more would be back inside by then and the process started all over again. As you can now tell I was dedicated to those ladybugs.

            Ever since I can remember I have just liked them, who knows why for sure. But lady bugs are still my favorite “animal” because they remind me of my childhood, and how great it was. (430)

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