Dating sites should only be used for finding someone, not
for dating them online. I get that there is a mathematical way that the
computer matches couples together but I don’t think it can fully find that
special connection that people need to find on their own. That is why I say
that it’s ok to find someone on a dating website, but you need to get to know
them in real life. You may like the person you talk to online, but they could
be a completely different person in real life because over a computer you can
make yourself seem more perfect but in reality you need to experience the person’s
vulnerability to see if you really like them and you cannot see that through a
computer. “Vulnerability is the essence of romance” says Kutcher in his article
Sian Meades says that “social media should be for
flirting and nothing more.” (Find this article here). I completely agree, dating
websites are a type of social media that help you connect with someone and
maybe flirt a little, but that is it. You need to get into real world
situations like seeing how they are around kids, or going out to dinner to
realize if this person has what is right for you. Facebook, twitter, and dating
websites cannot fully show you if they have these qualities that you need. Romance
needs time. Texting, tweeting, and face booking only give us 140 characters to
say something and that is not enough space to write the emotions you have. When
you are in a real relationship you need to know how to deal with each other’s
emotions as they are happening and texting doesn’t teach how to deal with them
on the spot because you can give it a few minutes to decide what to say to the
person. Overall social media does not help you learn how to talk to people and
strike up a conversation, or what to do when their feeling are hurt.
Finding a “soul mate” on a dating website can also lead
to problems because you never know for sure who they truly are until you meet
them in person. There is just something about person to person contact that a
computer or phone really cannot beat. I don’t care how advanced technology
becomes, real life relationships are so much better. (397)
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