Saturday, December 8, 2012

What? Still 2 more weeks!?!

Is it just me or is everyone only thinking about one thing at this time of year? CHRISTMAS! I seriously cannot get my mind off of Christmas, you may say “yeah well I am a Christmas freak too! “But I can almost guarantee that you are not as fanatic about it as I am.


I have always been this way, since I can remember. I have always loved not only Christmas, but just this time of year in general. I love everything from decorating, to caroling, to wrapping presents. Everything I do this time of year has some correlation to Christmas.


SCHOOL GOES BY EXTREAMLY SLOWLY AT THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fell like every day is literally ten times longer the few weeks before holiday break. I don’t know what it is, but there is just something in my blood that begins to spread to my whole body until at this time, a whole 2 weeks before break, I cannot think and I just can’t concentrate on anything because every single thought that pops into my brain has to do with Christmas.


            So I don’t know about you, but I will be counting down the days until Christmas arrives. I will grow more and more exited as each day gets closer to Christmas. The thing I love the most about Christmas are just the little things that make people happy, like the lights on the tree, the logs burning on the fireplace, and seeing family and friends that you miss dearly. Remember, as always, this Christmas season to enjoy every minute of it because Christmas miracles only happen once a year! Happy holidays everyone! (275)
Danni N.

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